Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Dancing Butterflies at The Spit, Gold Coast Australia.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Baby Fairy Wrens Learning To Fly at The Spit, Gold Coast Australia

Baby wren could hop but not fly very well. Here it was trying to get across a path and eventually got back into the scrub on the other side.

Dad keeping an eye on the fledglings

Nearly there...

Almost safe. 


Red Backed Fairy Wren at The Spit, Gold Coast Australia

Sunday, 23 October 2016

A little wren was on top of a pine tree in the back yard and the sky behind was a nice backdrop.

Jabiru Island Gold Coast

Wetting a line near Hope Island. 

This is the walkway that takes you to the Coomera River.

No fish for dinner tonight but the sunset was great. My daughter Caroline snapped these shots.